Our story (in brief….very brief)

Having established and subsequently sold a successful innovation consulting business ‘Winning Moves’ , Judith and Paul Bishop turned their creative skills to manufacturing and formed a revolutionary new ceramics business ‘The New English’.

Over the next 8 years this business grew to become an internationally recognised brand, operating worldwide with a reputation for design, creativity and quality. Life moves on however and recognising the need to explore new ideas and have a break from the frantic pace of business life Judith and Paul sold this business in 2016.

Relishing the new found freedom (and time) they decided to use their creative talents on much more personal projects.

Embroidered heart created as part of an exhibition to commemorate the end of World War 2. Designed and made by Judith Bishop.
A large installation comprising multiple large ceramic hearts and an 'army' of ceramic figures all designed and made by Paul Bishop.
A large plate installation designed and made by Paul Bishop featuring a Great White Shark. Almost 4m wide thee installation was produced for the London design festival.

bishopmade - what is it / WHO is it?

A collection of ideas and products, across a wide range of disciplines and materials, which represent Judith and Paul’s creative and practical output.

Having run out of places to hang / display these items they decided to offer them to others to purchase and enjoy / throw darts at.

the businesses we created….

A range designed and made by Paul Bishop for London Underground to celebrate their 200th anniversary.

commissions we undertook…