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The robots have landed - they come in peace

I’ve always had a fascination with robots. The imagery and stories that accompany them are endlessly fascinating. For several years I collected tin robots - those (generally 50s inspired) mechanical toys that you would wind up and then watch the mechanical marvel move around, wave its arms, and sometimes even make futuristic noises.

Im also a big collector of vinyl toys, the highly collectable figures which are a big part of the Urban Art scene, I suppose that it wasn’t much a surprise therefore when I decided to combine these two passions with my equally absorbing hobby of making things in wood.

From an early experiment to see what I could do, the first ones came to life (and were promptly purchased as a prop for a forthcoming movie by a USA based production company) so I made a few more.

I really enjoy creating these things and usually make up the design as I go along, using whatever materials, timber, and bits an bobs I have lying around in the studio. As a result, this generally means that each one is unique and reflects where my head was at at that particular time.

Following feedback and comments from friends and family who suggested that I should make them available for others to purchase, I’ve decided to include them here on the website. Come and take a look - I hope you like them. click here to check them out